Business in Acceleration

How do you efficiently reach your goals with technology you already have? We’ll tell you how to better use your tools, get more value for your money and optimize your business processes.

IT as a means to achieve your goals

We at NTX are convinced that you can’t drive in second gear if you don’t know where your car’s gearshift is. And that is exactly the way we want to work with you and your ambitions. You know exactly where you want to go, we know how to actually get there.

But what is Business in Acceleration?

NTX no longer views IT merely as making and keeping infrastructure available. With Business in Acceleration, we go for the optimal use of technology in the broad sense. This optimal use is not static, but dynamic in function of your ambitions. The following three beliefs are the common thread through everything we do:

  • You are the expert of the challenge, we’re the ones of the solution. Together we look at where your company’s needs lie and how we are going to achieve them.
  • We ensure that results are achieved and that this growth remains on your company’s agenda.
  • To get the most out of Business in Acceleration, it is crucial that your employees are guided and trained.

In addition, our Business Accelerators play an important role. Your strategic goals are probably already set, but our accelerators think tactically with you about how to achieve these goals with IT technology you already dispose of. Maybe you didn’t even know what else you could do with it? So you get more out of the tools you’re already paying for.

What can you expect?

Of course, using your tools more efficiently is only one part of the picture. We will also suggest new apps, as well as automating or improving certain procedures, depending on your wishes, goals and needs. By means of workshops and trainings of management and employees, for example, we try to accelerate your business.

Where can we help you, for example?

  • Mails always end up in your spamfolder. Like that, you miss out on interesting offers, but you also don’t receive every invoice.
  • There is a lot of data available, but you fail to get clear insights.
  • Your project department has no planning software.
  • Your sales team doesn’t know how to deal with all the customer data.
Business in acceleration

These are the areas of action in which we help you move forward

Insight through overview

We believe in the importance of clear and objective numbers to guide and grow organizations. Our approach is designed to inspire and guide you in creating clear dashboards and reports.

Smart collaboration

Time is one of the most precious resources. That’s why we help you use this time as efficiently as possible. Whether it’s optimizing processes, setting up a modern workplace or maximizing the capabilities of Microsoft 365, we are ready to help your business move forward.

Everything under control

Is your secure modern workplace rolled out and already helping your business move forward to its maximum potential by leveraging all the capabilities of Microsoft 365? Then you’re ready for the next step.

Engaging with a Business Accelerator?

So what are the advantages of Business in Acceleration versus mapping out a similar trajectory yourself? We often find that these trajectories require a lot of time that simply isn’t there due to daily busyness. As a result, these initiatives often end without clear results.

With a Business Accelerator you choose for:

  • Broad knowledge from different sectors and domains.
  • Someone who consistently monitors the agenda.
  • Low risk through ‘quick wins’ with short payback time and clear ROI.
  • Clear and proven way of working and corresponding plan of approach.

Accelerating your business? It is possible!

Make an appointment with one of our accountmanagers right away and enjoy:

  • More value for your money.
  • Increased efficiency.
  • A specialist in the field.
  • Automated repetitive tasks.
  • Time saving.
  • A fixed person of contact.
Make your appointment

Discover IT in the background

Being able to do your thing without being disturbed? That is possible with IT in the background. Thanks to this concept, we take care of your IT, so that you can fully focus on your core business.

Discover IT in the background

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